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> Reference
Statement by presidents of South African provincial unions
Media Release
2 April 2002
We have read with utter dismay the remarks attributed to Dr M Nyoka, Chairman of Gauteng Cricket Board, in the Business Day last week. Dr Nyoka is reported to have referred to the UCBSA CEO's press statement as "buffoonery" and have made some ancillary remarks about UCBSA's progress in its transformation process.
Our dismay stems from the fact that Gauteng Cricket absented itself from the continuation of the UCBSA meeting where decisions were taken which formed the basis of some of the matters in the CEO's press statement. Gauteng is party to all the decisions which the CEO has had to implement and Dr Nyoka's utterances are therefore inexplicable. We the presidents of the other provinces hope that the views Dr Nyoka expressed were his own and not those of Gauteng Cricket, and that Gauteng's failure to attend a meeting of great importance such as the proposed amendment of the constitution to accommodate South African cricket's restructuring is his failure and not that of Gauteng Cricket.
We have the greatest faith in Gerald Majola, UCBSA's CEO. He has taken on a difficult task and has succeeded admirably. He deserves no petty criticisms from anyone.
We support our CEO and reject the name-calling he has been subjected to with contempt.
This statement is supported by the presidents of:
Eastern Province
Free State
Griqualand West
North West
Western Province
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