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United Cricket Board of South Africa Media Statement

Media Release
31 December 2001 

The United Cricket Board of South Africa has confidence in the manager of the South African national cricket team, Goolam Rajah, the UCBSA's CEO Gerald Majola said today (Monday). 

Responding to an article in the a London newspaper by Colin Bryden yesterday, Mr Majola said that Rajah was a long-serving manager and that the UCBSA was confident in him and in the manner in which he had conducted himself on the tour to Australia. 

Mr Majola added that it was not fair for the media to compare the South African team on tour away from home in Australia with the Australian team on their home soil as had been done in the article in question. 

Team manager Mr Rajah explained that the players had requested that their Christmas lunch, which was referred to in Mr Bryden's article, be kept as a private family affair. "I respect the wishes of the team," Mr Rajah said. He added that the contents of the article in the newspaper did not reflect fully the issues surrounding the team on the tour. 

Bronwyn Wilkinson 
Communications Director 
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